the Dad I want to be…
A good friend of mine sent me this video. I’ve probably watched it 30 times in the last day. At first I just laughed and laughed. Then I tried a few of the moves– in the privacy of my office, then in front of Laurel, then Helen…
I’m not sure I have ‘moves’
But then I kept watching it for the sheer inspiration. I want to be my kid’s biggest fan. I want to champion what they do. I want to selflessly, un-self-consciously, with abandon jump in their world from time to time and say, ‘i’m with you in this!’
As this Dad, ‘took on cheerleader’ to identify with his daughter, we have a heavenly Father who took on humanity and lived among us. What a great image we get of how God in Jesus understands all of what it is like to be human.
January 16, 2009 @ 12:44 pm
And, yet, you are the dad who worships their Daddy in Heaven. Now that’s a good move!
January 20, 2009 @ 12:16 am
LOVE IT! I think it has fabulous skit potential for all the RAC guys. I will be very much looking forward to that! Jennie
January 22, 2009 @ 9:58 am
I’ll consider that a shout out to Anthony to warm up the poms…