Strengthen, Empower, Sustain: Confirmation
Our bishop, David Bena, will be visiting Restoration in a couple of weeks, on February 28th. One of the things he’ll do while he’s here is confirmations. Basically, confirmation is a chance for you to publicly profess for your faith in Jesus Christ and to express your desire to live out that faith corporately in the Anglican church. Bishop Bena will also pray individually for you to be strengthened in the Holy Spirit, empowered for God’s service, and sustained by God’s power. From my own experience of being confirmed a couple of years ago, it’s both a simple and a really powerful experience.
Want to know more? Check out these two blog posts on confirmation from last spring:
- Confirmation 101
- Confirmation: Is It For Me? (Be sure to check out the comments on this one–more good info there!)
If you’re interested in being confirmed on the 28th — or if you have any questions about it — please let me know no later than Wednesday, February 11th. You can email me directly or reach me through the contact form.
Wondering what a bishop is in the first place? Check out this great piece that David wrote about our Anglican church structure. (More interesting than it sounds, I promise!)
One final important point: you don’t have to be confirmed to be a member of Restoration. What’s involved in membership? That’s another story…
February 3, 2010 @ 10:31 pm
During confirmations last year, my faith was really bolstered by the folks who chose to be confirmed. I loved hearing their stories of faith and conviction to publically affirm what they believe about Christ.
Not sure this will work, but I thought I try to share one of the pictures from Bishop Bena’s visit to RAC last year on Pentecost.
Wow, looking at a few picture from last year makes me a bit nostalgic. There is a small set of pictures from the confirmation at
February 4, 2010 @ 5:15 pm
umm…make that Palm Sunday. Need to get the Holy Days right! Celebrating Christ’s triumph on the one-hand and the ministry of the Holy Spirit on the other–I’ll keep both.