Stressed out kids
Have you heard about this movie, Race to Nowhere? It is really taking off.
It makes me very thankful for our Children’s Ministry and APEX; for Louise Brooks, Andrew Thompson, and all the volunteers who are giving time and prayers for our children, middle schoolers, and high schoolers.
Because character counts the most. I propose that if you want your kids to be successful, the most important thing is their character– more than sports, more than music, more than grades. Now, you could push back that excelling in one of those 3 gets them opportunities that those who don’t excel won’t enjoy.
You might be right.
But we help them excel at what cost?
Obviously I am a parent who is trying to figure this out as well. I pray about these things all the time for my own kids.
I do know that our Restoration kids won’t get much credit– resume or social standing– for being in our children’s ministry or APEX. But they will get loved and they will get pushed to think about their character. And that’s a really good thing.
Just trying to wrestle alongside you as we raise kids who have Godly Character and who are not just stressed out.
Praying for you.
October 15, 2010 @ 7:04 am
And, at the same time, there are also documentaries like ” which scare the pants off you about what kids in India and China are learning during their roughly 2 million minutes of high school (hence the title).
They’re either falling behind because of an insufficient educational system/culture, or they are being overworked by it (depending, largely, on socio-economics).
Yet…both films do touch briefly on “emotional intelligence”, and as David says in a more complete, robust way—CHARACTER has got to be the foundation on which any of this “achievement” (academic, musical, athletic) is built.
Of course, there is a huge additional discussion about what texting and gaming and other such technology is doing to the wiring in kids’ brains (Kristen T, chime in here, you’re more of the expert!), and the effect that has on character development, but I’ll stick with this blog post! 🙂
October 15, 2010 @ 4:47 pm
And it’s no wonder kids are stressed out–check out their moms! You could overhear this at many a park in Arlington!