This is it.
This is it.
Our last Sunday in this building on Quincy Street.
The finale of the top ten reasons that Little Falls at 5pm is going to rock.
Come early. Be flexible. Sing loud.
This is it.
Good Friday
I am so grateful for the last words that Jesus spoke from the cross.
I am so grateful that God made sure they were recorded and remembered.
I am so glad that we know what was on Jesus’ mind as He suffered and died.
Every year, 7 people from our congregation take a few weeks to sit with one of those last words. They allow the things Jesus said to work their way around their soul, to disturb them, to give them hope. And then on Good Friday, those 7 people courageously share with our church the things that Jesus’ words have been doing in them.
As I listened and worshiped last night, I was struck by the breadth of brokenness and heartache that was dealt with on the cross: our insecurity and lack of answers, our longing to see the fulfillment of the tastes we get of paradise, the destruction of poverty and the agony of waiting for children, the despair of seeing intractable problems day in and day out in our work, the unsatisfaction of chasing what the world says will slake your thirst, the sorrow of being present at a life that is finished, the courage it takes to trust every bit of our momentary lives to our Heavenly Father.
There is so much pain. Jesus took all that we can see and that we can’t. Hallelujah! What a Savior.
“Man of Sorrows!” what a name
For the Son of God, who came
Ruined sinners to reclaim.
Hallelujah! What a Savior!
Tonight we will gather at 8:30pm to welcome the resurrected light of Christ and to shout the first Alleluias of Easter. Bring a bell. Stay for the party. Be tired when you show up on Easter Sunday. It’s a great story. And it takes a while to tell it.
March 31, 2013 @ 2:05 am
Tonight was radiant!
Still in awe of the sway at the Easter Vigil–celebrating the empty tomb and remembering His promises elicits palpable joy. The energy behind our collective and circling golden alleluias, WOW!