Sunday Announcements – February 23, 2014
What’s happening at Restoration? Several times a year, we hold a parish meeting to update you on important goings-on in our life together and to give you a chance to ask questions. The next one will be next Sun., Mar. 2, immediately following the service. Childcare will be available for nursery- and preschool-aged kids. If Restoration is your church home, this is your family meeting. (Minus the drama.)
New members: We’ll be receiving new members during the service on Sun., Mar. 9. If you’d like to become a member, you need to have attended a New-to-Restoration Dinner and to complete the membership forms on the website by Wed., Feb. 26. Questions? Contact Kat: go to and choose “Membership.”
Are you a teacher? Come to the Grays’ house on Fri., Mar. 7, at 7:30 pm to get to know other teachers, chat, support each other, and hear about a possible trip to Cambodia. 4318 39th St. N., Arlington, VA 22207. Questions? Go to and choose “Connect.”
Man Up. On Tues., Mar. 11, at 7:30 pm, Restoration men will have the opportunity to “train themselves for godliness.” We’re gathering once a month in the Little Falls sanctuary to talk about our character and to connect with potential mentors. This month’s topic: wisdom and decision-making. Questions? Go to and choose “Connect.”
Small groups: It’s not too late. In case you missed registering for a small group this trimester, Clay Morrison and Rachel Kriss are hosting an “always-open” group on Wednesdays at 7:30 pm. Come once, come every week—they’ll always be glad to see you. Contact Clay for details:
Prayer at 4. Come to the Treehouse (2nd floor) each Sunday from 4–4:30 pm to pray. We pray for our worship service, for each other, for whatever’s going on in the world that we care about. These meetings are lively, varied, and lots of fun. All are welcome—including kids.
Do you get our weekly e-newsletter? If not, you’re missing out on the best way to stay connected to what’s happening at Restoration. Drop an email to to subscribe.
Can we pray for you? Every Sunday, there are teams of trained prayer ministers at the front of the sanctuary who would love to pray for you. Nothing’s too big or too small to be prayed for. Just make your way to the front after the service.