Sunday Announcements – February 9, 2014
What’s this Casa Chirilagua thing? A lot of folks from Restoration are involved with this great ministry among kids and families in a Latino neighborhood on the Arlington-Alexandria border. Want to learn more or see how you can get involved? Visit the Casa Chirilagua table in the narthex after the service today, or contact Dawnielle Miller:
Man Up. This Tues., Feb. 11, at 7:30 pm, Restoration men will have the opportunity to “train themselves for godliness.” We’re gathering once a month in the Little Falls sanctuary to talk about our character and to connect with potential mentors. This month’s topic: sexuality. Questions? Go to and choose “Connect.”
Looking for an easy way to get involved at Restoration? Join our Sunday volunteer team. It’s a great way to meet others, and there’s a job for everyone, no matter your interests or skills. Interested? Stay after the service next Sun., Feb. 16, for a training session. Questions? Contact Matt: go to and choose “Volunteers.”
Small groups: It’s not too late. In case you missed registering for a small group this trimester, Clay Morrison and Rachel Kriss are hosting an “always-open” group on Wednesdays at 7:30 pm. Come once, come every week—they’ll always be glad to see you. Contact Clay for details:
What’s happening at Restoration? Several times a year, we hold a parish meeting to update you on important goings-on in our life together and to give you a chance to ask questions. The next one will be Sun., Mar. 2, immediately following the service. If Restoration is your church home, this is your family meeting. (Without the drama.)
New members: We’ll be receiving new members during the service on Sun., Mar. 9. If you’d like to become a member, you need to have attended a New-to-Restoration Dinner and to complete the membership forms on the website by Wed., Feb. 26. Questions? Contact Kat: go to and choose “Membership.”
Building update: The windows are in, the bell has arrived, and exciting things are happening on Quincy St. We’re praying for a June 8 homecoming! Thank you for your continued generosity toward this project. Total project budget: $4,671,123. Total pledged: $2,441,892. Given to date: $1,315,386.
Do you get our weekly e-newsletter? If not, you’re missing out on the best way to stay connected to what’s happening at Restoration. Drop an email to to subscribe.
Can we pray for you? Every Sunday, there are teams of trained prayer ministers at the front of the sanctuary who would love to pray for you. Nothing’s too big or too small to be prayed for. Just make your way to the front after the service.