Another small group option: this one is all about faith and leadership
At Restoration we care deeply that we should each grow as disciples of Jesus in every aspect of our lives. We want to be intentional about how we exercise our faith at home, in our neighborhoods and at work; so every trimester we aim to run a few small groups on these topics. This trimester Lee and Elizabeth are leading a group which is thinking about how we exercise our leadership as Christians in all aspects of our lives – from the kitchen table to the office to the gym?
We live in a town where good leadership matters.
But effective leadership is just as important inside a family as it is on Capitol Hill. Despite this, we rarely openly study or discuss the qualities of a great leader. It is easier to spot (and criticize) a bad leader. But how should you go about becoming an effective leader yourself? And what does it take to become a humble leader, one who uses his or her power to empower others rather than just horde power for him or herself? If you are looking for the ultimate answers to these questions, sorry…you won’t find them here. We are not the experts. But if you are wanting to explore such leadership questions- listening to the wisdom of others, sharing your own experiences, and looking at what the Bible and a Christian leadership book says about leadership-then we would love for you to join us this trimester!
Contact: Lee and Elizabeth Pitts for more info:
Meeting: Wednesdays. 7pm.
Ready to Sign up? here’s the link!