Lent 2016 | Back to Virtue

In The Great Divorce, C.S. Lewis reminds us that, “There are only two kinds of people in the end: those who say to God, ‘Thy will be done,’ and those to whom God says, in the end, ‘Thy will be done.’” (34). Lent prepares us to expose our souls to the God who enables us to change. In other words, Lent invites us to ask where God’s will should be done in our lives. In this Lenten season at Restoration we will focus on returning back to virtue and what it means to live a life blessed by God.
We are inviting everyone to take photos each week during Lent and post them to Instagram and tag them #restoarts and then another # corresponding to the week’s vice or virtue. The themes will be given each week with further explanation. In addition to photography, we are focusing on what it means to live into the promises of the Beatitudes of Matthew 5 by reading Peter Kreeft’s, Back to Virtue, which can be found for sale here or other online retailers. Kreeft’s work explains the vices which so easily entangle us and how we might combat them with the virtues which Jesus presents in the Beatitudes.
Want to participate with Instagram?
- In Instagram, follow @restoarts, and then @restoarts will follow you.
- Each day, take a photo, tag it with #restoarts, and tag it with that week’s corresponding vice or virtue (example: #humility or #pride). Share it on Facebook too!
What’s happening?
- Parish Meeting: Join us on Shrove Tuesday, February 9, at 5:30pm for pancakes and merriment! The pancakes will be followed by a parish meeting from 7-7:45pm. Nursery will be available during the parish meeting from 7-7:45pm.
- Ash Wednesday: Lent will begin February 10 on Ash Wednesday with three services: 6:30am, noon, and 7:30pm. Nursery will be available at the noon and 7:30pm services only. The shuttle will be available for the 7:30pm service only.
- Morning Prayer and Confession: Each Wednesday of Lent at 7am morning prayer will be offered at Restoration which will last approximately 30 minutes. There will be no childcare, nursery, or shuttle. From 8-8:30am a priest will be available to hear confessions.
- Evensong: Each Sunday during Lent, Evensong will take place from 7-8pm in the sanctuary. Please feel free to bring a candle!
- Healing Prayer and Eucharist: Tuesday, March 1, Restoration will hold a service of healing prayer and the Eucharist at 7:30pm.