An update from our friends at Incarnation
Dear Restoration,
Just over a year ago, September 2 2018, the Restoration congregation took all three services to kindly, deliberately and lovingly pray for a small group of people who were heading out into the wilds of South Arlington because we believed that God was calling us to form a new, worshipping community. And then maybe it felt like we vanished from view.
Where did we go?
Well, first of all, we didn’t really vanish – and delightfully, many of you have come and visited once or twice to make sure of that, and to cheer us on. Thank you! We love having visitors… we love it when ‘the cousins’ come to play!
Over this last year we have been meeting at 5pm at Greenbrier Baptist church – a kind and welcoming community who took us in off the streets and who have loved us so well….we have learned what it is like to worship together in a different context to Restoration. We have delighted in welcoming new friends and neighbors. We have grown with people coming to faith and those new to the area. We have loved singing and hearing scripture in multiple languages. We have loved watching our children learn in the Atrium as we use the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd method. We have loved prayer walking our neighborhoods and connecting with strangers. We have loved times of feasting and celebrating and delighting with wonder at God’s word and His good creation.
And whilst we have loved being independent, we have also been so grateful for the shepherding care that Restoration has continued to offer us. The generosity of doing our ‘back office’. The kindness of letting us use materials and resources. The sweetness of conversations over coffee or lunch. The prayer and vestry oversight which has gently brought insight and wisdom. The delight in wondering together at how God’s leading will evolve.
And now Incarnation is one year old and we are heading into a busy Fall.
September, 8 we welcomed our first members.
October 6, we will elect our first vestry.
November 16, at Synod there will be a vote as to whether Incarnation should become a congregation. And in November we will also rejoice with our mother church – yup! that’s you – as you turn 10. What a wonderful milestone – we are praying for you in this next season!
December 1, we will begin to worship in the chapel at AUMC on 7th Rd S and Glebe, where we will have our own space and offices.
December 8, the Bishop will come and install Liz as rector, and confirm/receive new confirmands
In the New Year we will begin to transition out of our MOU with Restoration and will eventually take responsibility for all our own back office.
There is so much to thank God for – so many small steps which when viewed together already show how far we have come. Thank you for holding our hands as we learned to walk. Thank you for not letting go, and for showering us with your love and upholding us with your prayers.
We will always be your daughter church – so grateful for metaphors of family and the permanence that brings.
With our deepest love and gratitude.
Liz, Amy, Beth, Josie,, Morgan and all at Incarnation
September 23, 2019 @ 8:51 pm
Wahooooooooo!!!!! Happy birthday!!!!! So. Much. To. Celebrate. Rejoicing with you!!