Wardens’ Report: September 2020
The Wardens’ Report: highlights from monthly Vestry meetings.
The Vestry met on September 22, again remotely. Lorene Eberhardt opened us in prayer, and we received our staff report from Kat Downs, director of operations, who continues to make lots of trains run on time. Please join us in praying for her as she gears up for two staff searches (which she loves and does well), while she and Tommy continue to enjoy and learn how to juggle parenting.
We unanimously added to our Bylaws a provision that, for the first time, spells out and creates a process for resolving when the Rector should be recused from vestry discussions and decisions. This replaces a custom that had grown unwieldy and counter-productive. We hope that we will be better able both to operate as a unified, full body when appropriate (which is usually) and to perform the Vestry’s job of overseeing the Rector.
Fall means vestry-election season, but Covid-time adds a wrinkle. The Vestry decided to make the election all online, via a Survey Monkey sent to each voting member’s unique email. We also stood up the Nominating Committee (as is customary, the Rector and the three outgoing vestry members), which would be grateful to receive your nominations. The Vestry is nine Restoration members who, with the Rector, function much like a board of directors (or elders), so strong nominees are important. We elect three each year (to three-year terms). Details to come, including at the online parish meeting this Sunday, Sept. 27, at noon.
The Vestry affirmed for ordination as priests Isaiah Brooms and Scott Buckhout (they are “transitional” deacons now)—fixtures in the Restoration family who are approaching the end of a long road. This recommendation goes to Bishop John Guernsey, and they hope to be ordained by the end of the year. Please hold them in prayer.
Finally, Brad Jones, our Treasurer, reported that we ended Fiscal 2020 (on August 31) very well, with greater giving than last year and with cash-on-hand that exceeds our target. Thank you for incredibly faithful giving in challenging and uncertain times. Among other things, these results will enable us to make supplemental Outreach grants.
As always, we welcome your questions and feedback. You can read an archive of past Wardens’ Reports on our website or Vestry Meeting minutes on CCB, under the ‘Files’ tab in the ‘Entire Church Group’
– Kevin Marshall and Johanna Montague, Wardens