Rector’s Update: Renovation all over the place. Our sanctuary, your hearts.

Dear Restoration,
I am so excited about our evening of corporate discernment this Sunday. We will gather from 7-8pm. The discernment is focused on Restoration and what God is doing among us: our church will pray together about the future of our church. I hope that all of you will be there. We would love for kids to come and pray with their families. We will sing and pray in four different ways that will be engaging for all ages. Would you please keep praying that the Lord will speak and that we will have ears to hear?
Here’s a reminder of what we are seeking.
Listening for discernment.
We still have questions about our growth within the constraints of our facility. Should we add a third weekend service- either here or somewhere else? Should we pursue someone else to plant a church out of Restoration? We believe that Good Things Grow Here. We are asking that God would make Restoration a church where people who have never followed Jesus decide to follow Jesus. We are praying for people to make new commitments to God through baptism and confirmation. We are excited about Alpha starting in January. We are open to what God wants to say to us and we want to hear it!
From your personal prayers this month, would you please share what you are hearing from Him: pictures, images, Scriptures, words, songs, direction… Would you share those with me?
Pray. And sing. And share. Together.
I am looking forward to being with you on Sunday! In the morning, I will preach on Romans 7. Then we will come back at 7pm to pray together. Please make this time of prayer a priority for you and your household. Filled with anticipation to pray with you!