Rector’s Update: Come Thou Long Expected Jesus
Dear Restoration,
It was so fun to celebrate our 14th birthday last Sunday. The cake was delicious! (And a big thank you to those who sliced hundreds of pieces and those who cleaned up. Thank you for making the party happen!) We gave thanks for all that God has done this fall and I shared about the things we are hearing Him say to us as a church in this season. If you missed it, you can read it, here— Five Themes from our Evening of Prayer, Music and Discernment.
Now we turn our attention to Advent and the start of a new liturgical year. We fix our gaze on the horizon and we look for the One who is always looking for us. We pause, breathe, and notice the longings in our heart. We say (again) ‘Come Lord Jesus.’
On Saturday, we are providing space and guidance for a quiet morning. Arrive at 8:45am and plan on being done by noon. Bring your journal and a willingness to hear what God is saying. We will have opportunities for you to be prayed for individually, if you would like. You can sign up for 10 minute windows of time.
The Lord will draw near to you as you draw near to Him.
Then in the afternoon, we will decorate the church for the Advent season. It’s a joyful time that is full of teamwork, camaraderie, and wonderful smells of pine and evergreen. We will feed you lunch at 12pm and we should be done by 4. If you are available to help, please let Isaac know.
“Oh, that you would burst from the heavens and come down!” – Isaiah 64
On Sunday, I will preach from one of the classic ‘First Sunday of Advent’ texts: Mark 13.
It is a confusing passage about confused disciples. They want to know when things will happen (like we all do!). Jesus replies, “No one knows when these things will happen.”
All we can do is stay alert, stay awake, and keep looking for the One who is always looking for you.
Advent is a reminder that above and below all of our hopes and longings is God, who took on flesh, and came among us.
He did it once to redeem us.
He will do it again to bring restoration.
We live in between those things.
So we gather (again) and say (again): Come Lord Jesus.
See you this weekend. “Watch for Him!” (Mark 13:37)