2024 Apex Ice Skating + Broomball
Join Apex for ice skating and broomball on Friday night, February 23, from 5:45–7:50 pm at MedStar Capitals IcePlex (the ice rink in Ballston)! Admission to the event costs $17 per person, and includes the cost of renting ice skates.
Skating and broomball begin at 6:40pm, but we’ll meet in the Ballston Quarter Market at 5:45 to have dinner together before heading to the ice rink. Ballston Quarter Market is on the ground floor of the mall in Ballston. (If you’re sending your students for dinner, please send them with money!)
Pick up will be from the ice rink, which is accessible via the eighth floor of the parking garage in the Ballston mall.
Wondering what broomball is? Broomball is like hockey, except it’s played with sticks that resemble a broom, and you use a dodgeball instead of a puck as a ball. Broomball is played with sneakers out on the ice! All of the required gear (including helmets) will be provided for us by the ice rink. If you’re not sure you’ll like broomball, you can always try it and switch to ice skating!