FAQs on Reopening Restoration
When will the service be and who can attend?
All services begin at 10:00 and will run in conjunction with our YouTube Live service.
- July 26: Adults-only (16 and up)
- Aug 2: Adults-only (16 and up)
- Aug 23: Adults and APEX-aged kids (rising 6th grade and above)
- Aug 30: Anyone may attend (NO nursery or Kids Small Groups)
- Sept 6: Anyone may attend (NO nursery or Kids Small Groups)
Where do I park?
Please park in the W&L lot on Quincy St and 15th. Street and walk to the church up Quincy St.
Will there be a shuttle?
There will not be a shuttle.
Who may park in Restoration’s Parking Lot?
The Restoration parking lot is reserved for those in high risk categories or needing handicap parking.
Where do I enter the church?
- We will maintain separate entries for attendees.
- Those in high risk categories will enter through the side door and use either the interior stairs or the elevator.
- All other attendees will use the exterior stairs and enter through the Upper Narthex doors
- The Lower Narthex doors will remain locked.
Will there be Eucharist?
We will not be celebrating the Eucharist.
Will there be singing?
- Out of an abundance of caution as we start to reopen, we will ask the congregation to not sing before August 30 and then singing will be TBD after.
- The music team will sing behind their plexiglass barriers so that we can offer musical worship to the congregation in the sanctuary and through YouTube Live.
- The music team will lead fewer songs (3 or 4 as opposed to 5 or 6).
Do I need to wear a mask?
Yes, anyone 10 and over will be required to wear a face covering when inside the building.
What should I expect when I arrive?
- There will be plenty of signage as you approach.
- We will not be distributing worship guides; we will not be collecting an offering on-site; and we will not be celebrating the Eucharist.
- Ushers will be available when you arrive to direct you to seating.
- The interior doors will remain propped open before, during, and after the service.
- The pews will be marked every 6ft for social distancing. Every other pew is available for seating.
- Seating will start at the front of the sanctuary and proceed backwards in order to minimize people walking past each other. Ushers will help direct you.
- Both sides of the pews will be used for entry and exit.
- We may ask you to move to the center of the pew depending on the configuration of attendance rather than asking someone to squeeze past you.
- We ask everyone to remain in their seats at the end of the service until dismissed. Ushers will invite you to exit by row, starting from the back and moving forward towards the chancel.
- Please exit the building promptly.
- You are welcome to socialize outside the building after the service while remaining 6ft apart for social distancing.
- Watch this video
When should I arrive?
- All services begin promptly at 10:00am and will run in conjunction with YouTube Live.
- Please leave enough time to park, walk, and get settled before the service starts.
- You want to plan to arrive at the Restoration building by 9:50am and be in your seat by 9:55am sharp.
Will restrooms be available?
- While we encourage you to prepare for the one hour service, the upper narthex restrooms will be available.
- We ask that only one person enter at a time.
- Hand washing is strongly encourage and single use barriers (paper towels) will be available for entering and exiting the bathroom.
- In order to minimize any 1st floor activity, only the restrooms off the upper narthex will be available.
What if I am not ready to attend in-person services?
- If you do not feel comfortable attending in person, we will continue to provide the YouTube Live streaming option.
- In addition, please stay connected to our clergy, staff and volunteers through email, phone, and text.
How do I sign up?
- Use the Sign Up Genius to reserve your spot.
- All 5 weeks are included in the Sign Up Genius
- Since space is limited, we ask that you only sign up for one Sunday during Phase Alpha.
- Please choose a service that is not within two weeks of returning from travel or vacation.
- Please include every member of your group when you sign up (yes, babies count as one).
Is there a deadline to sign up?
- Yes, as we start this phase we ask that you sign up by 4:00pm the Friday prior to the service you would like to attend.
- Signing up early helps us plan seating capacity and follow all requirements and best practices that have been provided by the Governor of Virginia.
- If you must cancel, please do so by Friday before 4:00pm so someone else may use your seat.