As we enter a year full of uncertainty that has the potential to be one of divisive contention for our country, we will gather to seek God, put our trust in Him, and ask Him to lead us to the rock that is higher (Psalm 62). This event will be similar in feel to the Evening of Prayer, Music, and Discernment that we did back in October.
Our vestry has their annual planning retreat that weekend and David will share with us what the vestry is hearing from the Lord for our church and the plans that are coming to the forefront for 2024. During the service, we will pray about the staff changes that are happening in our Youth Ministry, the people around us—our neighbors—who we want to hear good news, and for our nation as we anticipate the ups and downs of the coming presidential election.
When we can’t see the path, God invites us to pray for light. In this season of Epiphany, we will ask God, together, to offer His illumination.
Nursery will be offered. Older children are invited to join us!