Sunday Announcements – June 1, 2014
What’s next for Restoration? As we prepare to move into our new home on Quincy Street, we’re facing an exciting new season in our life together. Come learn what’s on our horizon at a special parish meeting next Sun., Jun. 8, immediately following the service. Childcare will be available for nursery- and preschool-aged kids
Because we know you don’t want to cook tonight. We’re sending a team of over 25 people to West Virginia in July, and they want you to be part of the fun. Join us for a spaghetti dinner fundraiser—along with a skills auction and a raffle—immediately following the service tonight. Bring some cash and a big appetite, and have a great time getting to be part of the great things God is doing in WV. Suggested donations: $10/person or $30/family. All proceeds will go to support the team.
Burger Brothers is back. This is an opportunity for Restoration men of all ages to come together during the summer for a casual meal and fellowship. It’s a great chance get to know guys you otherwise might not have a chance to meet. Join us on Fri., Jun. 20, starting at 7 pm at the Jones’s house: 307 Fellows Ct., Falls Church, VA 22046. Please RSVP to Andrew: No need to bring anything, but contributions of drinks, sides, or desserts are welcome.
Come pray with us. Bridging the Gap is a loosely structured team with one thing in common—we care about the youth of Arlington. With this in mind, we meet at Washington-Lee High School each Tuesday from 6:15–6:45 pm. We gather at the front entrance (on N. Stafford St.) and then walk around the school, praying for the students, staff, and community. Please join us—everyone is welcome.
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Prayer at 4: Come to the Treehouse (2nd floor) each Sunday from 4–4:30 pm to pray. We pray for our worship service, for each other, for whatever’s going on in the world that we care about. These meetings are lively, varied, and lots of fun. All are welcome—including kids.
Can we pray for you? Every Sunday, there are teams of trained prayer ministers at the front of the sanctuary who would love to pray for you. Nothing’s too big or too small to be prayed for. Just make your way to the front after the service.