Wardens’ Report: November 2015
The Wardens’ Report: a brief summary of highlights from monthly Vestry meetings, designed to demystify our work and provide some information about our growth, finances, priorities and progress towards our strategic plan.
Our prayers this month were guided by the new Evening Prayer Service which is found in the Texts for Common Prayer, a recent addition to our pews in the sanctuary. We remembered those around the world and in our congregation who are suffering in body, mind and spirit and pleaded for strengh and comfort for the McNeil family. We thanked God for Louise Brooks and the ways she cares so well for our children. And we thanked God for Drew Bond, Isaiah Brooms, Endel Liias and Mac Wheatley who were attending their last Vestry meeting after years of faithful service to our community.
Our primary order of business was to review the sabbatical team’s proposal. This team of seven has prayerfully and carefully considered the needs of our rector, his family and our congregation. We were pleased to approve the plan and budget for a March 1 – September 1, 2016 sabbatical during which David will engage several activities designed to deepen his love for Jesus and his family. While we will undoubtedly miss his preaching and pastoral care in the short term, we see wisdom in investing in his long term spiritual health and are excited about the myriad opportunities to develop our capable staff and lay leadership in his absence.
We received a preliminary financial report for October which indicated another strong month of giving and on-budget spending. Thank you for your faithful giving that allows us to enter this year of a new mortgage and a full staff team with confidence in God’s sure provision.
If you have questions, concerns or words of wisdom or encouragement, please know that we are open to your feedback.
You can read an archive of past Wardens’ Reports on our website or Vestry Meeting minutes on CCB, under the ‘Files’ tab in the ‘Entire Church Group’.
-Carolyn Weimer and Ramsey Wilson, Wardens