Ryan Goyer
Middle School Apex Associate Director
My name is Ryan Goyer and I head up middle school ministry at Restoration! I began working at Restoration in the summer of 2019 and have really enjoyed my time here. My wife Callie (our Operations Coordinator at Resto, as well as an 8th grade girls small group leader) and I will be living in Arlington Village this year with our dog Opie and more plants than we know what to do with. Here’s a little bit more about me:
I grew up in Sterling, VA, the son of two native New Englanders, and the brother of two little sisters. I went to college at Christopher Newport University (which some call the “Alabama of DIII”) and spent most of my time there doing the things I love most: spending time with friends, discussing theology, playing and coaching sports, and going on long walks. Some other random affections (as David calls them): reading, watching all Boston sports teams (we’re in a golden era), Colorado (one summer out there hooked me for life), fishing (fly fishing in particular is my next challenge), and hiking deep into the woods (preferably high up in the mountains).
I came back to Northern VA to be a Falls Church Fellow (Class of 2018). During my fellows year, I worked in the youth ministry office and fell in love not only with the people but with the Anglican church. I was fortunate enough to stay on at The Falls Church Anglican the following year as John Yates’ study assistant.
I’m excited to be a part of such a fun and kind staff team and to see how God continues to grow me through this role. Look for me early in the morning trying to practice on the piano in the sanctuary.