An Open Door
On Sunday, David shared these words from his fraternity brother: “This Advent as I look at our nativity scene and I see Mary and Joseph looking down at an empty manger (cause we don’t put the baby in until Christmas), I’ll be reminded of parents in Connecticut and Iraq and Afghanistan and Pakistan and Yemen and Mexico and Bolivia, and on Christmas when we place the nino in the hay, I’ll be reminded of Good Friday. And I still won’t understand evil and absurd suffering, but I’ll be grateful for a God as beautiful and as vulnerable and ultimately as horrifically touched by violence as every smiling child that strapped on a backpack, kissed mom and dad, and headed off to Sandy Hook Elementary yesterday.”
These words open the door as a reminder to me of all the unquantifiable evils in and across the world, and I am striving to cling tightly to some truths about God and the world that we will be singing this coming Sunday.
Wait on the Lord, O my soul.
For he is beautiful and good
He’s the lover of all men
He has rescued us before
He will rescue us again
He is faithful and true
He is loving and just
Surely he will deliver us.
Come thou long expected Jesus
Born to set Thy people free;
From our fears and sins release us
Let us find our rest in Thee.
Israel’s strength and consolation
Hope of all the earth Thou art;
Dear desire of every nation,
Joy of every longing heart.
…and from last week
Land me safe on Canaan’s side
Bid my anxious fear, bid my anxious fear
– Matt
December 19, 2012 @ 2:21 pm
how sweet it is to simply read the lyrics, matt. thanks for sharing them here. like this. grateful for your leadership and compassionate heart.