Sunday Announcements – March 2, 2014
Let us welcome the newly baptized: Today we celebrate the baptisms of Greer Violet Storm and Ewan David Storm (children of Colin and Louise) and Wynn Law Wheatley and Mays Deladdy Wheatley (children of Mac and Julie). Please pray for Greer, Ewan, Wynn, and Maysie as they grow in their faith and love for Jesus.
What’s happening at Restoration? We want to update you on important goings-on in our life together and to give you a chance to ask questions. So stay after the service today for a parish meeting. Childcare is available in the nursery for children preschool-age and younger.
Welcoming the stranger: Join us this Tues., Mar. 4, from 7:30–9 pm to pray about how we can extend hospitality to immigrant communities around us. At Brent and Melody Jones’ home. Contact Clay for details: Go to and choose “Connect.”
Ash Wednesday: Lent begins this Wed., Mar. 5. Enter into this season of reflection and repentance with a service of worship, the imposition of ashes, and the Eucharist. Services at 6:30 am and 12:00 pm in the Chapel at Little Falls, and a join service with Little Falls in the sanctuary at 7:30 pm. Nursery care available at 12 and 7:30.
Are you a teacher? Come to the Grays’ this Fri., Mar. 7, at 7:30 pm to meet other teachers, chat, laugh, and hear about a possible trip to Cambodia. 4318 39th St. N., Arlington, VA 22207. Questions? Go to and choose “Connect.”
Interested in Outreach? The Outreach Planning Team is an open group that plans outreach activities for the Restoration community. Have a great idea for an activity? Just want to meet others who are interested in outreach? Come to the next meeting: Mon., Mar. 10, at 7:30 pm at the Grays’: 4318 39th St. N., Arlington, VA 22207. Questions? Go to and choose “Outreach.”
Man Up. On Tues., Mar. 11, at 7:30 pm, the men of Restoration will continue our once-a-month gathering in the Little Falls sanctuary to talk about our character and to connect with potential mentors. This month’s topic: wisdom and decision-making. Questions? Go to and choose “Connect.”
Join our after-service prayer team. Praying for people is one of the great ways God gives us to care for each other and be community. Interested in being part of the team that prays for people after the Sunday service? Attend a required training session on Sun., Mar. 16, from 2–4 pm. Interested? Questions? Contact Liz: Go to and choose “Prayer.”
God and the (Sexual) Woman: A time of thinking, listening, sharing, and learning about what it means that God has made us as sexual beings. We’ll have a great panel and time for Q&A. All women—no matter your relationship status—are encouraged to come. Tues., Mar. 18, at 7:30 pm. Location TBD. Questions? Go to and choose “Connect.