Sunday Music – April 6, 2014
Playlist: Opening Song: Psalm 130 Lent Response: Love Divine All Loves Excelling Offertory: O Love That Will Not Let Me Go Sanctus: Holy Holy Holy Eucharist: We Fall Down Be Thou My Vision Desert Song
Playlist: Opening Song: Psalm 130 Lent Response: Love Divine All Loves Excelling Offertory: O Love That Will Not Let Me Go Sanctus: Holy Holy Holy Eucharist: We Fall Down Be Thou My Vision Desert Song
Welcome, Bishop John and Meg! We are pleased to welcome Bishop John Guernsey and his wife, Meg Phillips Guernsey, to Restoration. Bishop John oversees the Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic, to which we belong, and we are grateful for his faithful leadership. Be sure to stay after the service to grab a snack and meet the […]
Playlist: Opening Song: Deliverer Response: How Deep the Fathers Love Offertory: Jesus Thank You Sanctus: Holy Holy Holy Eucharist: Nothing But the Blood of Jesus From the Inside Out The Solid Rock
Lent at Restoration: Join us on our word-a-day journey through this season. Pick up a purple card to follow along, or learn more on our website: A Crescent and Stars Bazaar: Ever wanted to visit the ancient cities of Ephesus, Smyrna, or Byzantium? Now you can, in just a few hours. Join our Asia […]
Playlist: Opening Song: Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah Response: Never Once Offertory: Come Let us Worship Sanctus: Holy Holy Holy Eucharist: Come Thou Fount Jesus I Come O Church Arise
Lent at Restoration: Join us on our word-a-day journey through this season. Pick up a purple card to follow along, or learn more on our website: West Virginia 2014: From July 2-6, we’ll make our 6th annual trip to Philippi, WV. We’ll see old friends and get to know new ones as we work […]
Playlist: Opening Song: Psalm 130 Lent Response: Mighty to Save Offertory: Great is Thy Faithfulness Sanctus: Holy Holy Holy Eucharist: Come Ye Sinners Jesus Thank You Glory to God Forever
Lent at Restoration: Join us on our word-a-day journey through this season. Pick up a purple card to follow along, or learn more on our website: Interested in Outreach? The Outreach Planning Team is an open group that plans outreach activities for the Restoration community. Have a great idea for an activity? Just want […]
Playlist: Opening Song: By Thy Mercy Response: O Love That Will Not Let Me Go Offertory: How Firm a Foundation Sanctus: Holy Holy Holy Eucharist: In the Name of God the Father We Are Hungry Blessed Be Your Name