"You have enough," a sermon preached by the Rev. David Hanke on June 13, 2021. ESV scripture reference.
"His Yoke is Better," a sermon preached by the Rev. David Hanke on May 16, 2021. ESV scripture reference.
"An Earnest Request," preached by the Rev. David Hanke on May 9, 2021. ESV scripture reference.
"Oh, that smells good!" preached by the Rev. David Hanke on April 18, 2021. Scripture reference on ESV.org.
"God Who Raises the Dead," preached by the Rev. David Hanke on April 11, 2021. Scripture reference on ESV.org.
"Serving Jesus," preached by the Rev. David Hanke on March 21, 2021. Check out the readings.
"Love God. More than anything. With everything." preached by the Rev. David Hanke on February 28, 2021. Find the readings.
"...that he might bring us to God," preached by the Rev. David Hanke on February 21, 2021. Find the readings here.
"Not Fair," preached by the Rev. David Hanke on February 14, 2021. You can find the readings here.
"Hold Fast in the Kingdom of Heaven," preached by the Rev. David Hanke on February 7, 2020. Find the readings here.