Our Sunday worship is the heart of our life together. It’s a time when we join together as a community to praise God, to listen to the scriptures read and preached, to pray, and to share the Eucharist (Holy Communion). The entire service is designed to put you in a posture of worship—even (especially) when you don’t feel like it.

Service Details
On Sundays at Restoration, parking is provided in the lot over I-66 that is located at the corner of Quincy and 15th Street. You can ride the shuttle from the lot to the church. Or, people often choose to take the 6-minute walk down Quincy Street from the lot to the church building.
Music & Liturgy
What is Liturgy?
Liturgy literally means “the work of the people.” It’s the pattern of worship, prayer, and practices that shape our life together. We follow the liturgy in the Book of Common Prayer.
We believe that ultimately the beauty of our music is a reflection of our love for God and others. We sing to proclaim God’s truth: we sing to him in adoration, and we sing to each other to remind ourselves of his character and work. The Psalms tell us to “sing to God a new song,” and so we sing music new and old, convinced that both can bring us fresh revelations of God’s Spirit.