The Gospel Changes Everything
Getting excited about our first sermon series at Restoration. Here’s an overview… I look forward to wrestling through these issues with you over the next 5 weeks.
Jesus calls each of us into a relationship with Him. He calls us to leave our former lives, to lay down the things to which we cling for security, and to follow Him as our Leader and Forgiver. Along the journey, God puts us in contexts that stretch our faithful dependence on Him. These vocational contexts build our character and provide opportunities to shape our culture. By way of support, God gives us the gift of community to encourage and refine us. The community finds its corporate rhythm in regular worship through Word and Sacrament. Through all of this: character, culture, community, and worship, it is the Gospel that changes everything.
January 23, 2009 @ 8:37 pm
Love it! This is the kind of stuff I can never hear enough! Looking forward to hearing it AGAIN on Sunday. Also looking forward to practicing it all in the new context of RAC. You rock, David! Please try to make sure you get some rest this weekend. Sunday will be a great day! Can’t wait to celebrate with everybody!
January 24, 2009 @ 7:07 pm
I’m excited.
January 26, 2009 @ 7:45 am
Thanks guys. It was a great day. So many helping, excited, servant hands! As I have been preparing to preach this series, one of the features of our church that gets me excited is our small groups. As a preacher, it gives me freedom to know that my sermon is not the only shot people get at these texts. In many ways, I am a teacher/ tour guide/ introducer, but it is the small groups where people re-visit the texts and wrestle through how we live them out. So a big shout out to all you small group leaders! You rock! May you dig in to these passages and find great delight in the Gospel of Christ.
January 28, 2009 @ 8:59 am
Reflecting on the question you poised on Sunday in your sermon, “How does the knowledge of these epiphanies change everything?” and Titus 2:14, I came across this quote from Jonathan Edwards that sums up the importance of acknowledging the epiphany itself each and every day.
“If we lose a sense of the greatness & generosity of the divine love, there will be no resources of grace to motivate the life of holiness”
January 28, 2009 @ 6:41 pm
I love that by laying down our self-contructed securities, our good Father provides an comprehensive security in Himself. Our lives are in fact now “hidden with Christ in God” (Colossians 3:3)
January 30, 2009 @ 8:24 am
Yep, great word– ‘self-constructed securities’. They always feel more like props– flimsy, plastic, but oh so comforting.
March 3, 2009 @ 3:25 pm
Jesus is LORD! I love Him and the good news is he died to make me free!! Halleluiah! We are all(in CHrist) related when we accept the blood covenanent as our own!!!
After all… The Father craeted us all from ONE BLOOD!