Getting Involved Serving Restoration
Community Care Connection
Restoration wants to meet the needs of those in our community through the gifts and services of those in our community. We have so many folks who want to help! I love that attitude and I am thankful to be in a church where people regularly say, ‘what can I do?’
Often connecting those with resources to those with needs is a simple logistical process. It’s not glamorous, but its critical that we keep good records and establish effective systems for getting the word out on what the needs are. To that end, we are collecting information about your gifts, abilities, and available resources.
Would you please prayerfully consider how you can best share your time, talent, and treasure with others? You can either turn in the blue sheet we are passing out on Sundays or you can fill out the form below.
If this is going to be your community, we are inviting you to participate in its care and connection!
Thanks friends. It is good to live life together.
Online Form – C3 Form
Once you submit the form, you’ll receive a confirmation email and be redirected to the homepage.
We have already gotten lots of great ‘other’ ideas– like pet sitting! Use your creativity, come up with things you need for yourself! This is how we do it…
March 2, 2009 @ 6:41 pm
HELP! Only 27 completed forms have come in so far. Looking for MANY more to come in between now and the requested deadline of March 8th. Please, if you are a launch team member, a regular attendee, or planning to become a regular attendee, complete one! You may fill out a paper copy and put it in the offering plate (or mail it to the address listed) or copy it from right here and mail it electronically to Thank you SO much!
March 8, 2009 @ 9:51 pm
My procrastination was rewarded-I got the easy button–thanks Josh, the “fil-lable” form made this SOO easy. Thanks Josh! And Jennie, thanks for coordinating/organizing this group of generous givers. I love that we are chomping @ the bit to “love one another with brotherly affection {and} outdo one another in showing honor” (Romans 12:10)