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We’re starting a new series!!
On Easter we gave everyone who came to our services a copy of Tim Keller’s book, The Prodigal God. We wanted to be generous, thankful for the last 3 months, and invitational to the next 50 days at Restoration. Between now and May 31 (Pentecost), we will be talking about the themes of sin, community, repentance, forgiveness, sonship, and homecoming that run through these parables in Luke 15.
One of the features that I love about our small groups is that they are short-term commitments. You are committing to a group of people for about 12 weeks (until the end of June). It allows you time to get to know people at Restoration, to go as deep as you want, to talk about interesting topics, and to have a regular rhythm to your week for a few months. A small group pairs well with Sunday worship.
Here is one more teaser about the Sunday series. Can’t wait to see you around Restoration as we connect to God and connect to others.
A Father had 2 sons. One of them requested an early withdrawal on his inheritance. He wasted it on whatever need was most immediate and ended up bankrupt. The other son worked diligently and obeyed every rule. He ended up angry and bitter. Both of them lived far away from their Father.
Are you mired in the consequences of your own bad choices? Are you angry that you’re doing all the right things and nobody seems to care?
“The word ‘prodigal’ does not mean ‘wayward’ but, ‘recklessly spendthrift.’ It means to spend until you have nothing left.” Over the 50 days between Easter and Pentecost, we will consider how our Heavenly Father showed His prodigal love for those who would come after Jesus.
Our sermon series and small group discussions will draw from Tim Keller’s reflections on the parable from Luke 15. “Within that parable Jesus reveals God’s prodigal grace toward both the irreligious and the moralistic.” We hope that those who are curious and those who are convinced will see Christianity in a whole new way.