1. Louise
    May 18, 2009 @ 9:39 am

    I vote for donut holes and coffee. Besides, the jelly filling can get on the vestments anyway. Right, Josh?


  2. Anne Cregger
    May 18, 2009 @ 11:01 am

    There’s a lot i like about this post, David. First, i agree with Louise and can only guess what she means with her reference to Josh— but i’m prepared to laugh, no matter what. Just because.
    Just because I usually do when Josh is involved.
    But more seriously, your ideas about how and what we communicate with what we wear is spot on. You, certainly, as the up-front guy. Thanks for giving us more on that.
    I think that the rest of us, as believers, should keep that (what we’re communicating with our attire) in mind anytime, but especially when we show up for worship. Ditto what you said about distraction potential and the virtual certainty that people will enter into a blink-long time of figuring out if they like your style/brand, if they can relate to you, if you’re worth listening to, etc. Humanity.
    It’s important that we show up as who we genuinely ARE and what we value will come out, for good or not.
    Back to what WE get to wear, i love it that some come in ties and heels, and i also love it that some come in jeans and sandals — even to read Scripture or serve communion. I think the more diverse our garb (within decency limits, of course), the easier we are to approach by the very diverse Arlington folk.
    I’d love to hear what others think about all this—always open to change my opinions.


  3. Jeff Walton
    May 18, 2009 @ 12:34 pm

    Some of us simultaneously value donuts and ties. Kudos to who ever made those tasty crepe things for the welcome table yesterday.

    David, I think you would look classy in an embroidered chasuble, accessorized with a jelly-filled donut in one hand and censer in the other.


  4. Erin
    May 18, 2009 @ 1:07 pm

    A jelly-filled donut in one hand and censer in the other… Sounds like Homer Simpson as an Anglican priest. I like it.

    On a slightly more serious note, I appreciate this conversation and how it reflects the way we are trying to make practical choices and decisions in light of the values that we hold. “We are a simple church trying to value beauty and community”–that’s a powerful vision. It’s good to have these values held up in front of us, to have our attention called to them, again and again as we ALL make decisions about how we want to live as part of this community.

    And since I spent much of the Ash Wednesday service worrying that David (in vestments) was about to light himself on fire, I’m in favor of the no-vestments decision anyway.


  5. Chris
    August 5, 2012 @ 3:10 pm

    I actually think wearing no vestments is too individualistic and baptist-like. I’m a low-church Episcopalian, but you sound like a Reformed Presbyterian. Not a slam, just an observation.


  6. davidmartinhanke
    August 5, 2012 @ 4:01 pm

    Thanks Chris. No slam taken. I appreciate your comment.


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