1. Erin
    November 30, 2009 @ 10:25 am

    I think ‘Adventy’ may be my new favorite word. And it was a GREAT day yesterday.


  2. Jeff Walton
    November 30, 2009 @ 10:36 am

    Same thought: “Adventy” is good. Also, purple is the new black.


  3. Cindy
    November 30, 2009 @ 1:53 pm

    When I got in line at the grocery store yesterday I had a crisis of conscience! 🙂


  4. Erica C.
    November 30, 2009 @ 4:14 pm

    So, bummed to have missed the kick-off of the new liturgical year and the beginning of Advent. Sounds like I need some detailed accounts. I’d love it if the entire service was recorded so I could hear the RAC family “do their thing,” from Adventy singing to testimonies.

    Perchance could the families share as they light the Advent candles be recorded each week? If there were a podcast each week 1) Attendees of different service times would be able to hear the reflections and thoughts of the folks in both services –promoting togetherness! 2) We’d have a really cool oral history of RAC Advent traditions.


  5. Cameron & Carolyn
    November 30, 2009 @ 8:27 pm

    The service was so deep and so rich that we couldn’t quite digest everything. This is such a great way to reinforce the things we heard!

    One thought: I love hearing the advent reflections from families. In some churches we’ve attended, there seems to be an unwritten “nuclear family” rule about lighting the advent calendar. It would be awesome to hear thoughts from empty-nest parents, communities of roommates/singles, couples without kids, and others.

    We are so blessed to be part of this community, so deep in devotion and reflection. Also — the Nouwen advent reflections book is awesome.


  6. Erin
    November 30, 2009 @ 9:08 pm

    Great thoughts, Cameron and Carolyn. We’re definitely planning on having lots of different kinds of households do the Advent reflections–roommates, singles, folks intentionally living with more than just their nuclear families…. Our longing for Christ and his kingdom is experienced differently by different people, and we want to hear a broad range of those perspectives. The great good news is that Christ is able to fulfill ALL of those longings, and more!

    Looking forward to journeying through this season–one of my favorites–with all of you…


  7. Scott Kelsey
    December 1, 2009 @ 1:41 pm

    Or maybe we could have someone call in, say, from Florida?


  8. davidmartinhanke
    December 1, 2009 @ 4:04 pm

    skype it on the big screen?


  9. Daniel
    December 4, 2009 @ 9:03 am

    So thankful for the sermons being distributed as a podcast afterward because I couldn’t make it Sunday but didn’t want to miss out on this one.

    David – your analogy of the person with the full cart in the grocery store, and the security they have that allows them to selflessly “submit” to the person with only one item reminds me of something I have posted at my desk at work as a reminder:

    “I feel so well-taken care of by God, so favored and generously privileged by the all powerful and all-loving Maker of the Universe, that I am simply consumed with gratefulness. Accordingly, I waste little energy in comparing myself to others – their status, their things, their reputation, their position. Content in doing my best and in walking the way of Jesus, I am happy to leave with Him those slights, disadvantages, or inconveniences that are outside my control. IN FACT, I am so well taken care of by God that I find plenty of emotional energy for celebrating the successes of others, and find the safety to assume the best about people until proven otherwise.”


  10. davidmartinhanke
    December 5, 2009 @ 9:35 pm

    Wow, that is a challenging quote, Daniel– that last sentence is GREAT marriage. friendship, co-worker advice: assume the best about people… because God has taken such good care of us. Great reminder. thanks, friend.


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