Ash Wednesday Apologies
We had to cancel our 8:30 Ash Wednesday Compline service last night literally at the last minute. As you may know, we share our facility with 2 other congregations. There was a miscommunication with one of them last night. The plan was that they would use the church from 6-8pm for their service and then we would do a whirlwind turnaround and start our service at 8:30. The other congregation’s service went later than expected, parking was at a premium because of the snow, and we needed to cancel at the last minute.
I am so sorry. There were at least 75 people who we literally turned away at the door and sidewalk. I know that you were coming because you wanted stillness and a deliberate beginning to your observance of Lent. We so wanted to provide you that. I also know that many of you put forth significant effort to secure childcare, leave work, and drive to the church. I’m sorry that we weren’t able to tell you earlier. We truly had no idea.
So, yet another chapter in the adventure that is Restoration. For those who attended the first 2 Ash Wednesday services, I think we would all agree that they were powerful. Our music and words were a catalyst for humble, penitent hearts. Thank you to all who made those services happen.
Again, my sincere apologies and my thanks for your grace.
February 18, 2010 @ 12:32 pm
My Lent is off to a shaky start because it’s not what I envisioned, but isn’t that in itself Lent-like?
Lent is an invitation to the messy process of sanctification. A chance to be tested, to face our flesh, and train our response (submission over rebellion) to the Spirit. Last night’s adventure posed a miniature Lenten sacrifice: to not have things our way.
When we are tested and exposed–it’s not often pretty. But 1) God is good 2) He still loves us and 3) He certainly isn’t going to leave us alone. That “Prodigal” God is awfully available and awfully persistent.
Here’s to a messy Lent. The Potter’s hands are sure to get dirty workin’ on me.
February 18, 2010 @ 4:35 pm
Love this, Erica. I especially appreciate the way you respond to a frustrating situation not by trying to fix the situation, but by looking for how God might use the situation to shape and grow you. A great encouragement and reminder to me!