Loving Anglicanism
What a glorious day of worship we had yesterday. 3 Ash Wednesday services at 6:30, Noon, and 7:30. I loved the fact that I got to be at all 3. It made the day so rich.
The Ash Wednesday liturgy captures some of what I love best about Anglicanism— beauty, intentional words, silence, kneeling, sacrament, tactile helps, Eucharist, confession, Scripture, hope, history, prayer, deep hymns, visible reminders.
One of my dear friends, Cliff Warner is an Anglican priest in Austin, TX. He just wrote his top 5 reasons [in no particular order] for being Anglican. He says it well…
1. Because I am part of something bigger than myself. Anglicanism is global and historic; it stretches across both space and time.
2. Because Anglicanism has a robust track record of theological reflection, thinking the faith and engaging contemporary issues (William Wilberforce, C. S. Lewis, J. I. Packer, John Stott, N. T. Wright).
3. Because Anglicanism appreciates the role of beauty in worship and formation, paying close attention to the use of words, space and music.
4. Because Anglicanism observes a rhythm of life and worship, from framing our days with Morning and Evening Prayer, to the church calendar.
5. Because the liturgical format of worship is Christ-centered, scripture-saturated and shaped to bring me face to face with my desperate need and God’s glorious mercy, then brings me and all the saints to the Lord’s Table.
Relish this season of Lent. Be intentional.
Choose to be small. Let God be big.
March 10, 2011 @ 9:33 pm
I too was glad to be Anglican at 7:30 last night. Sometimes I think of Anglican liturgy as a finely-tuned conversation between God and his people. That’s why the intentional silences in Anglican worship seem so significant: sometimes I listen but God seems silent. Last night I could relate to Pascal’s words, “The eternal silence of these infinite spaces fills me with dread.” Dread was not the last word, though, as I began to realize it’s OK to be small and let God be big. In the structure of the liturgy, it is as if grace broke through and caught me. For example, each confession in the Litany of Penitence was like another twist of the knife as it showed me more of my sin. They were liberating twists of the knife, though, as each one revealed more of how hopeless it is for me to try to bring anything to the table. By the end of the Litany, I was joyful. As someone has said, “Cheer up! You’re much worse than you think you are!”
March 10, 2011 @ 10:00 pm
I love that last line, Allen! You’re right… In the upside-down world of the gospel, there’s joy and freedom in that.
March 11, 2011 @ 10:24 am
Allen, you win a ton of points on the Pascal quote pull. That is awesome. From his Pensees?
small and big have been simple and effective descriptors for my relationship with God recently. Sometimes I need it simple… God help me be small. Thank you that you are big.
March 11, 2011 @ 10:50 am
especially missing our anglican church this season! i am grateful for the way in which Restoration introduced me to this tradition of worship, especially point #5. i now crave weekly communion. it’s a wonderful opportunity to reset my perspective
March 11, 2011 @ 11:16 am
We miss all 3 of you!
March 11, 2011 @ 12:27 pm
I think it’s Pensee no. 206.