He Is Risen!!
What a great 4 days of worship at Restoration. Here are my favorite memories–
- Washing feet on Maundy Thursday. Such a powerful reminder of the attentiveness, intimacy, and service of our Lord. I think it is easier to wash than be washed. It is very humbling to be served.
- Watching the candles go out on Good Friday. Death thought it had won. The reflections from our community inspired my worship.
- Hearing Matt sing the Exultet at the Vigil. Especially this line– “How wonderful and beyond our knowing, O God, is your mercy and loving-kindness to us, that to redeem a slave, you gave a Son.” What a great God we serve.
- Baptizing Brooks and Evan at the vigil. Might be top 5 moment of the year. The party afterwards… so fun.
- Sunday! Alleluia!
What was your favorite memory? If you missed these days, mark your calendar for next year [April 5-8, 2012 :)].
Small Groups Have Started
But registration is open until May 15. I invite every person who worships with us on the weekend to be in a small group to wrestle with the Scripture and make new friends. It is a short term commitment (until the end of June) that has huge benefits for your relationship with God.
Let me highlight 3 in particular:
- The Marriage Course. Laurel and I have gone through this 3 times. We love the practical help on forgiveness, conflict resolution, sex, in-laws, and listening. We love that it has the feel of a date night– with great content. It is one of the best 8 weeks we have invested in our marriage. I would love for every married couple at Restoration to take this course. I hope you do!
- Parenting Young Kids. Tom and Patty Downie have given us a gift– a Saturday evening [5:30pm] where a babysitter will feed your kids and watch them while you talk with other parents and hear great wisdom and and counsel from the Downies. If you are in the thrill and grind of parenting young kids (and about 80 of you are…), this is an opportunity that was created for you.
- What We Believe. Sure, it’s early on a Thursday (6:30am). But it doesn’t start until May 12 [you can procrastinate a bit]. Do you want to ask deeper questions about Jesus, the church, and God? This is the place. Come take an hour before work and go deeper with the Lord. I’d love to have you there.
May 3 at 7:30pm
We are in a season of praying, listening, and asking God to lead us into the next chapter at Restoration. Our last night of corporate prayer and discussion is Tuesday, May 3. I invite everyone to come. We will cover things like facility, staff, and how are church makes disciples of Jesus. If this is your church home, this is a conversation in which you want to participate.
Fun times.
April 27, 2011 @ 12:47 pm
I love this place too and I was SO bummed to have missed the entirety of the Holy Week celebration with you all. Of all the weeks/weekends to get sick… I think the next phase for Restoration needs to include a live feed for the infirmed. 🙂
April 27, 2011 @ 1:16 pm
a live feed for the infirmed. I love it!!