Don’t miss out on the Fall Retreat!
It’s been a great summer here at Restoration. Believe it or not, Fall is just around the corner — and with it comes the 3rd annual Restoration Fall Retreat! We’re looking forward to spectacular blue skies, good conversations, apple cider and donuts, and the chance to grow closer to each other and to God.
Are you wondering if you should go on the retreat? Are you new to Restoration? Have you been busy this summer and feel kind of disconnected from church? Have you never been on a church retreat and just think it all sounds a little weird?
If your answer to any of those questions is ‘yes,’ then our answer to you is YES!!! The retreat is perfect for you! It’s a great time to get to know new people and catch up with old friends. There will be great teaching, free time, small groups, optional activities, even a bonfire… And did we mention apple cider and donuts?
- Who: You! and your family! and friends!
- When: October 21 – 23
- Where: Massanetta Springs, VA — about a 2-hour drive from DC
- How: Download a registration form here and mail it to the church, or fill out a registration form at church on Sunday.
Remember: Prices go up after this Sunday, August 21. You can post-date your check to October 1, so go ahead and register today!
Also, we’re looking for people who want in on even more of the fun by helping to pull this whole thing off. Games, hospitality, small groups, even entertainment — there are lots of opportunities for you to get involved, either before the retreat or over the weekend. Interested? Contact Mary Ann at maculu2[at]aol[dot]com.
August 17, 2011 @ 11:06 pm
do we have any info on the speaker for this year yet?
August 18, 2011 @ 8:40 am
Our speakers are Steve and Sally Breedlove. Steve is rector at All Saints Church in Chapel Hill, and Sally is an author and speaker. They’re great. I’m so excited to get to spend the weekend with them!
August 18, 2011 @ 9:30 am
I recently read one of their books “The Shame Exchange: Trading Shame for God’s Mercy and Freedom” Steve & Sally Breedlove and Ralph & Jennifer Ennis, NavPress, 2009 which I can WARMLY recommend. I am also so excited about hearing them speak…. It’s going to be an EXCELLENT weekend 🙂
August 19, 2011 @ 12:42 pm
Not just any donuts — these will be especially tasty donuts.
August 24, 2011 @ 9:23 pm
Seriously, the apple cider is the best I’ve ever had…. thanks to Tom Downey for going that extra mile!
August 26, 2011 @ 1:14 pm
There is so much to love about our church family–Yah, Fall Treat x3! One of them is how excited we are to be with each other. BUT what has continued to blow me away for 3 years is how we take great pleasure in naming and praising and calling out the good, the hard work and contributions of each other.
As a benchmark, I would trace my awareness of this RAC trait back to the first round of small group study where we discussed what it might look like to be a church who was marked by Romans 12:10 behavior. Being devoted to each other and outdoing each other in showing honor. It is nigh on contagious! It makes me giddy to recount how the Holy Spirit has knitted our hearts together.
Speaking of shout outs (and not to derail retreat discussions), Becky when are we gonna have that knitting night? I’ll host!