Music Preview: A City Hungry for God
“O Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder…” I desire for this phrase to be at the front of our lips. O God, when I in awesome wonder reflect on your provision and guidance during that meeting… O God, when I in awesome wonder look at my son Roman; and think of all the physical, chemical, emotional, relational, and spiritual detail that you have put in him… O God, when I in awesome wonder see the pain of hunger and sickness and wonder how these things too will be made right… “Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee, how great Thou art.”
Our Savior is Lord of all, and he has great things in store for his cities, his countries, his people. “He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap.” (Psalm 113:7) He desires for his people to follow him to hold his Kingdom above all others. It is in this place that true justice and mercy are not seen as conflicting ideals. When Jesus came he said, “the time is fulfilled, the Kingdom of God is at hand! Repent and believe in the gospel!” (Mark 1:15) And what followed was miracle upon miracle upon miracle. Read it! Sickness healed. Demons cast out. Lives turned to beauty (on Kingdom terms). When Jesus is Lord of a city, things are different.
At Restoration, we believe that the gospel changes everything, and I hunger to see Jesus’s people forsaking what is considered proper and appropriate in this world and turn to live into the beautiful Kingdom that Jesus has designed us for. “Lord, I want more of You. Living water rain down on me. Lord, I need more of You. Living breath of life come fill me up.” We are so hungry for Jesus. But much like smoking stifles the appetite and anorexia replaces sustenance with vain appearance, we are truly a people (a city) starving for God. Jesus says, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.” (John 6:35) “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28) For there is no one like our God. There is no one like You, God.
(If you desire to see the rest of the set list to help prep yourself for Sunday feel free to visit .)
October 13, 2011 @ 10:30 am
I am so proud of you, Matt. Guard your mind and heart against the evil one. He doesn’t want you to spread the Good News the way you are. Be sure that God’s Word and values are in your heart and life, not just your mind (I think you know why I am saying all of this). We are so excited that you are using your gifts and talents to bring others closer to God.
October 13, 2011 @ 10:55 am
Thanks, mom.