DMH thoughts
On Monday night, about 30 men from Restoration gathered in the Doolittle’s living room to pray. I was so encouraged by their heartfelt sincerity and endurance. We were interceding on behalf of 4 men in our church who are fighting cancer. The guys who prayed asked God to heal, to give peace to family members, to glorify Himself, to intervene in miraculous ways. The camaraderie and partnership with the Holy Spirit that I felt in the room was almost palpable. I am so thankful that these men are responding in this way, this early in the life of our church. It speaks to their dependence on God and their depth of character. I’m grateful to be along for the ride.
The next day we heard that one of the guys had an answer to prayer and came out of a coma! God is so kind to give us a quick and tangible answer. It teaches us and reminds us to keep asking and going to Him.
On Tuesday night we had a dinner for the new and old vestry members and staff. About 30 of us crowded into the home of a family in our church for a DELICIOUS potluck meal! We took time to recount what God did this year at Restoration– adding a 3rd service, hiring new staff, the ordination of Erin to priest, baptizing over 25 people, meeting over 120 people at new member dinners, sending teams to WV, Moldova, and Uganda, mourning the loss of parents and friends and family members, praying for healing and restoration in hard situations. God has been at work. The leaders are listening, praying, discerning, hoping, experiencing great excitement for what might be next.
Like I said, I’m grateful to be along for the ride.