Main Street at Restoration
Wondering what ‘normal’ is at Restoration? Wondering what ‘everyone does’? If you are new around here, the NUMBER 1 question you have asked is– ‘How do I get involved?’ And even if you’ve been around for a while, you probably wonder the same thing…
There’s stuff happening all the time [like prayer walking Marymount’s campus!!] and it keeps life very interesting. But here are the big 3 that we want everyone to consider for this fall.
Here’s main street at Restoration:
1. Join a Small Group. Registration opens on Sept 2. We have 22 of them meeting all over the place at lots of different times on lots of different days. Small groups are made of 12-15 people. All of them are open to you on a first come first served basis– just find the date and time that works. Some have childcare. Some are gender specific. Registration is only open until the end of September and then they are ALL closed until Thanksgiving. This allows relationships to develop and for good Bible study to happen. We would love for every person who worships with us on Sunday to be in a small group during the week that is studying the Bible and praying for each other. If you show up on Sunday and swing your arms, you are going to hit someone in a small group– get in one too!.
2. Attend The Fall reTreat. We’ve been doing this every year since we started. On October 20-21, almost everyone will head to Massanetta Springs for a beautiful 36 hours filled with laughter, Bible Study, and s’mores. We don’t hold services on Quincy street that weekend, so sign up and come out to the mountains with us. The retreat starts at 11 on Saturday, so it’s an easy morning drive. We end after lunch on Sunday. This the place to deepen friendships, rest, and sing by the campfire. Registration is open. We hope that you will be with us in October.
3. Volunteer on a Sunday. Every week, dozens of people serve in some capacity at one of our 3 services. We have opportunities for people to read, to serve communion, to ush[er], to greet, to run keynote and sound, to set-up and tear down. I am so thankful for this team that God assembles every week. It is our hope that every person who worships with us would also serve from time to time in our worship service. We would like to train you and the next opportunity for that training is Sept 5 7:30-8:30 at the church.
So, wondering what ‘everyone does’ at Restoration? This is a great place to start: small groups, the fall retreat, and serving on Sundays. Shoot us an email if you have questions. We’re here to help.
PS– one more… The best kept secret of where to serve on Sundays? Our kids. Those munchkins crack me up and encourage my socks off. Our pre-k to 5th grade kids each have a small group downstairs during the sermon. I would love for some of you to say yes to these kids and lead them this coming year. If you’ve never said yes to this opportunity and want to hear more about it… give Louise a shout.
September 3, 2012 @ 8:09 am
Sorry to go this route, but I can’t read the fuzzy letters in the contact us section.
Just signed up for small group. Really missed everyone this summer, but it’s nice to have the free time.
Is it possible to post the starting and ending dates for this term? If it is published, I couldn’t find it.
Thanks! ( A calendar obsessed musician.)
September 4, 2012 @ 11:06 am
Great question Bev! I just fixed the page. The answer is: tri3 small groups will run from the week of September 16 through the week of Nov 25. Thanksgiving is early this year, so that end date may adjust for some groups. But generally, they will close at the end of November.