Fall Retreat at a Discount…
This is the last week to sign up for the fall retreat at a discount! Some people have asked me why (in the world) did I choose to help organize the fall retreat. I am not organized, rarely plan ahead, and always wait until the last second to get things done. You would never pick me to plan a wedding.
But I am passionate about retreats and conferences. I love getting people away from the busyness and humdrum of life. I hope and pray they will encounter more in the time away. More community, a more restful experience with our Creator, more of life. I can’t promise you the food will be great or the beds will be soft, but I promise the weekend will allow you the opportunity to know this wonderful Restoration community in a deeper way.
This year at the men’s retreat it rained a lot. The tent I was staying in flooded, I slept in my car (I had back surgery 12 months ago). It was not a pretty picture, but it was AMAZING. I got to know many guys for the first time, I got to know Restoration in a great way. So I implore you, sign up, take a chance and come get to know this church in a real way.
-Andrew Powars
September 7, 2012 @ 10:08 am
Andrew, I am SOOOOOOO glad you are leading this thing. I love your heart for discipleship and seeing people connected to each other at a deeper level. Thank you for bringing your considerable ‘day job’ skills and investing them in our church. What a gift to us.