Good Friday, 12-3pm: Prayer and Stations of the Cross
Hey Restoration,
It’s traditional to reserve the time between 12pm and 3pm on Good Friday to mark the period that Christ spent on the cross. Along with many other churches, Restoration will be open during that time to allow folks to stop in and spend time in prayer. I’d love for as many of us as can make it to come together to reflect on the meaning of Christ’s death and the depth of his love for us. I’ll be leading us through a brief Stations of the Cross service at the top of each hour (at 12pm, 1pm and 2pm), and there will be paper for writing down our confessions and nailing them to a cross that will be in front of the church. Feel free to just drop in for a few minutes or stay as long as you like.
And if you can’t make it to the church on Friday, let me encourage you to take a moment at some point during that time, wherever you are, and reflect on what Christ experienced out of his love for you.
Have a great Holy Week.
March 27, 2013 @ 8:34 pm
I am grateful for this addition to our Holy Week remembrance. We are not providing child care. But we are open to children participating in the stations. I hope you will join us to remember His cross.
March 28, 2013 @ 12:06 pm
I’ll be down in Richmond for work tomorrow during the day. Is RAC also offering an evening service, or is the noon-3p.m service it?
March 28, 2013 @ 12:09 pm
Oops. Just spotted the 7:30pm evening service under upcoming events. This reveals how inept I am at using our web site.
March 28, 2013 @ 3:12 pm
It’s just been 4 years, Jeff. Be patient. You’ll figure it out.
March 29, 2013 @ 5:11 pm
Thank you so much Clay – for guiding us so thoughtfully… with powerful words and pictures. Really appreciated the chance to walk through the stations with others.