Transition to Little Falls…
Hey y’all, Restoration is about to go through a major transition. On April 7, we will begin worshipping at 5pm at Little Falls Presbyterian Church. We are excited to pack what’s happening at 3 different times on Quincy Street into 90 minutes of exuberance over on Little Falls Road. Lots of you have asked tons of great questions. So here is an FAQ. Feel free to add more questions in the comments. We’ll get you an answer.
- Where is it? Nice. Start with an easy one. Here are all the directions you need to Little Falls Church.
- Where do we park? A favorite Restoration question. LFPC has a parking lot with an entrance on Williamsburg Boulevard that has 87 spaces. Nottingham elementary school which is across Little Falls Road can accommodate about 20 cars. Also street parking is available on Little Falls Road, Williamsburg Boulevard and N Ohio Street. We have been asked to not park in front of 6033 LITTLE FALLS ROAD [it’s right next to the church] because LFPC uses the house for their youth group on Sunday nights.
- Why are we moving? We have plans to begin construction on a new facility on Quincy Street this summer.
- Why are we moving now, if construction isn’t until this summer? We wanted to have our last service in this space be on Easter. We want to have time to pack up, store, and empty this building. We are hoping that the Arlington County permitting process goes smoothly and we want to be ready to begin construction as soon as we get permits.
- What are the staff going to do for offices? We will office here until the end of June or the beginning of construction. We are looking for temporary office space.
- What will happen to the building on Quincy Street? It will be completely taken down. The new structure will be at 2 levels at grade.
- What about all the stuff in the building? I want a pew, a door, a chandelier… On May 18 at 7pm, we are going to have an AuctionParty!! Imagine the front doors thrown open, people milling in the yard, an auction caller standing on the steps auctioning anything that can be carried off, lots of delicious food and beverages. It will be a nice blow out to finish things off! So, look around, let us know what you want, and come on out for a fun night of auctioning.
- What about all the meetings that happen during the week at Restoration? Little Falls has graciously offered to host things like vestry meetings and small group leader training and other meetings we need. We will also have meetings in homes and possibly in our temporary office space. We will all be very flexible!!
- I am worried that I won’t be able to find my friends when we are all together. How do I keep track of names? We are all wearing name tags on Sundays and we will continue this practice when we move. Upload your picture to our on-line database and browse other people by name and group involvement.
- I am sure this transition requires a lot of help from people. How can I help? We have five teams that are running everything from excitement to after-service meals to orienting our kids. Read about them here and tell the team leader you want to help.
- Did you say ‘After-service MEALS????’ Yee-haw! Yep. We will do them every other week or so. The fellowship hall can accomodate about 400 people, so plan on staying. On April 7, we will have a catered dinner from Red Hot and Blue so plan on sticking around and getting to know people. On April 21, we’ll have an old-fashioned potluck. I’ve seen Restoration dishes and yummmmmm, can’t wait. We’ll keep you informed on the dates for the meals. We will have lots of opportunities for volunteers to prepare and clean-up!
- OK, that’s after the service. Anything happening before the service? Every Sunday we will meet from 4pm – 4:40pm in the Little Falls Library for prayer and worship. We will pray for the service that day, as well as other needs on our hearts. Musicians will join us, as will the volunteers, and it will be a great way to prepare for the service. Everyone is welcome – and if you can’t come for all of it feel free to drop in as you can.
- What about APEX? APEX will be meeting at LFPC in a room called The Tree House from 6:30-8:15. On nights that we have after-service meals, APEX will join the whole church downstairs
- How long will construction of the new church building take? The construction is expected to take 12-18 months. We could be back on Quincy Street by the fall of 2014. Maybe…
Do you have a question? Post it in the comments and I’ll get you an answer. This is going to be fun.
March 15, 2013 @ 11:16 am
SO helpful!! Thanks! And gimme one of them pews while yur at it…..
March 15, 2013 @ 2:34 pm
yee- haw indeed!!!! really excited that this is all really, truly happening!