Holy Week 2014
Holy Week — the week between Palm Sunday and Easter — is the heart of the Christian year. This is the time when we remember Jesus’ final days, his passion and death, and ultimately his glorious resurrection. We’re deliberate about walking through this story step by step, inviting God to draw us more deeply into the great truth that Jesus died for our sins and rose from the dead so that we might have life in him.
Please plan to join us as we journey together to the cross and the tomb.
Palm Sunday — April 13 — 5 pm — Sanctuary
- We’ll begin our worship outside, waving palms and shouting, “Hosanna!” We’ll end our worship with the story of Jesus’ trial and execution, shouting, “Crucify him!” It’s a powerful journey over just 90 minutes — and a bit of a preview of the week to come.
- Kids’ Small Groups, including Nursery, available.
Maundy Thursday — April 17 — 7:30 pm — Sanctuary
- A service of footwashing and communion. We remember the story of Jesus’ last supper with his disciples, when he taught them to serve each other and to remember him in the breaking of bread.
- Nursery available.
Good Friday — April 18 — 12 – 3 pm — Chapel
- The chapel will be open for silent prayer and meditation.
- At 12, 1, and 2 pm, there will be an opportunity to pray through the stations of the cross — key moments in Jesus’ passion and death.
Good Friday — April 18 — 7:30 pm — Sanctuary
- The Seven Last Words of Christ. A service of prayer, singing, and meditation on the things Jesus spoke from the cross.
- Nursery available.
Great Vigil of Easter — April 19 — 8:30 pm — Chapel
- A beautiful service that begins outside with the kindling of the new fire; then we tell the whole story of creation, fall, and redemption, finally shouting out the first joyful “Alleluias!” of Easter and celebrating the Eucharist.
- A “resurrection party” follows downstairs — we’ll break our Lenten fasts as we celebrate the resurrection.
Easter Sunday — April 20 — 5 pm — Sanctuary
- We celebrate the good news of Jesus’ resurrection with joyful worship.
- Nursery available; kids preschool and older will remain in the sanctuary for the service.
April 11, 2014 @ 3:27 pm
I have new bells to ring at the vigil this year…!