I was surprised at my extreme emotional response to this message. I thoroughly enjoyed the first (un-incriminating) third, laughing at the humorous account with sign-language. Then my world exploded in silent rage when the conversation turned to being a prophet as a dangerous, deadly occupation. Given how angry I became, I might have been among those who picked up stones to stone Jesus. I never seriously considered how completely incomplete my narrative might be. I wish I wasn’t as angry as I was. I long to have a soft, teachable heart. How can my heart be changed? Perhaps viewing the Selma movie screening and being part of that discussion will help. I believe the date for that was January 6. How can I sign up?
Hi Twinkie Person. Thanks for your vulnerability and sharing how you responded. These are tough issues to navigate and they expose a lot of our raw feelings. We will be seeing Selma together with 3 other churches from Washington, DC on January 6. Hope you can join us for the screening and the discussion.
[…] One of the articles I’ve read recounted a powerful story of healing that took place following incidents of racism a dozen years ago at the University of Texas at Austin. It described the humble and godly ministry of racial reconciliation of our own David Hanke of Restoration, Arlington, then with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. Please read this short but moving account here. David also preached about the Ferguson and Staten Island events last Sunday and you can listen to the sermon here. […]
December 30, 2014 @ 4:17 pm
I was surprised at my extreme emotional response to this message. I thoroughly enjoyed the first (un-incriminating) third, laughing at the humorous account with sign-language. Then my world exploded in silent rage when the conversation turned to being a prophet as a dangerous, deadly occupation. Given how angry I became, I might have been among those who picked up stones to stone Jesus. I never seriously considered how completely incomplete my narrative might be. I wish I wasn’t as angry as I was. I long to have a soft, teachable heart. How can my heart be changed? Perhaps viewing the Selma movie screening and being part of that discussion will help. I believe the date for that was January 6. How can I sign up?
December 31, 2014 @ 8:30 am
Hi Twinkie Person. Thanks for your vulnerability and sharing how you responded. These are tough issues to navigate and they expose a lot of our raw feelings. We will be seeing Selma together with 3 other churches from Washington, DC on January 6. Hope you can join us for the screening and the discussion.
What Ferguson reveals – and what we can do
February 11, 2020 @ 2:07 pm
[…] One of the articles I’ve read recounted a powerful story of healing that took place following incidents of racism a dozen years ago at the University of Texas at Austin. It described the humble and godly ministry of racial reconciliation of our own David Hanke of Restoration, Arlington, then with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. Please read this short but moving account here. David also preached about the Ferguson and Staten Island events last Sunday and you can listen to the sermon here. […]