Parish Meeting Update [October 2015]
There are always so many exciting things that are happening at Restoration. This graph is just one way that we tell the story of broken people being restored by grace and living God’s story. If you click on the graph, you will find a deck of slides that our vestry used to celebrate the work of God in our church and the things we are asking him to do in the days to come.
You will see highlights from the Rector’s report, a quick look at who is preaching during David’s sabbatical, the progress we made on our strategic plan (Restoration2019), our financial position at the conclusion of the 2015 fiscal year, and information on the upcoming vestry election for the class of 2018. Plus lots of great pictures!
The parish meeting is the best way to get a quick glance our life together. We hope these slides help you remember if you were there and give you a small taste if you weren’t. Feel free to ask questions in the comments below.