Pentecost Sunday 2016
Pentecost Sunday (May 15) is just around the corner and it will be quite a busy day at Restoration Anglican Church! The Easter season has invited us to explore areas in which we need the power of Jesus’ resurrection life. Ascension Day (May 5) reminds us of Christ’s being seated at God’s right hand in glory, far above all earthly rule (Ephesians 5:21) to give us a heavenly abode for our earthly mind.
Pentecost begins the longest season in the church’s calendar and this seems rather appropriate, for while Christ’s earthly ministry lasted roughly three decades, the Holy Spirit has been indwelling and empowering Christ’s body to do the work of the His kingdom for over 2,000 years! So what is so amazing about Pentecost Sunday 2016 at Restoration? I am glad that you asked. . .
The Rev. Jesse Blaine will be among us! He is currently in the USA with Sarah and the girls on home leave from Cambodia, and he will bring God’s word to us during the 9am and 11am services and share a bit of what God has been doing in his family’s life and their ministry in Cambodia. If you would like to know more about Restoration’s involvement with the Blaines and Cambodia, visit our Global Outreach page where you will find more information about our involvement with Cambodia.
During the 9am and 11am services we will have baptisms. We will have the pleasure of welcoming some in our community into body of Christ and celebrating their new life in Christ together with them! If you would like more information on baptism at Restoration, please visit our Baptism page.
Restoration has been blessed to see several of its members called to serve God’s church in Holy Orders (i.e. becoming Deacons and Priests). On Pentecost Sunday at the 5pm service, Morgan Reed will be ordained to the sacred Order of Deacons. We will have incense, Bishop John Guernsey will be present to ordain Morgan, and the Rev. Liz Gray will be preaching. There will be a reception immediately following the service.
Pentecost Sunday will remind us of the thrilling ways in which the Holy Spirit is at work in our community here at Restoration!
April 26, 2016 @ 2:36 pm
Congratulations, again, to Morgan on his ordination to the Deaconate!
April 27, 2016 @ 4:49 pm
I second that. Congratulations!!!!
April 28, 2016 @ 6:59 am
Blessings on all of Pentecost Sunday!!! Hope to return in time for Bishop John’s laying on of hands!