RestoMen – Dec. 8, Making Wise Decisions
Should I take this new job? Is this the right relationship for me? Am I on the right career path? Is now the best time to start our family? How do I balance my work with the rest of my responsibilities?
Almost every week, we are confronted with these sorts of important questions, which compel us to make choices that will have a lasting impact on our lives. But our challenge is that it is not always clear which direction we should take, because each of our options is morally acceptable. So, how do we move forward? How do we make wise decisions? How can we be smart about the choices that confront us?
Those are the questions we are going to be addressing at our next RestoMen gathering on Tuesday, December 6 as we look at the topic of “Wisdom and Guidance”. We invite you to join us that night as David speaks to us about these critically important topic, and we hear from a panel of men in our congregation who have also wrestled with these same issues.
We will begin at 7 PM with a light dinner (bring $5 to help cover the cost). Then at 7:30 PM, we will start to discuss these issues together. We look forward to seeing you there!