Thanksgiving for 10 Good Years

A Good Gift of Thanksgiving
In light of all that God has done at Restoration, and in anticipation of what he will do, we’re providing an opportunity to make a special gift to Restoration as we celebrate the fact that Good Things Grow Here.
Special offerings have always been a tangible part of worship. They provide an opportunity to rejoice by giving something extra. This financial gift would be above and beyond what you were planning to give at the end of 2019.
The vestry has designated this ‘Thanksgiving for 10 Good Years’ gift to go in to our operating fund. They may use it to fund a curate (i.e. recent seminary graduate) position, to pursue an initiative of our new strategic plan, or to pay down part of our mortgage debt. We are so grateful for your generosity, so grateful for God’s faithfulness, and so grateful for the chance to give a visible demonstration of our joy and thanksgiving.
You will have 2 options for giving your ‘Thanksgiving for 10 Good Years’ gifts:
- We will make special envelopes available on Nov. 17 and at the party on Nov. 22. On Sunday, Nov. 24 we will turn in those envelopes as part of the offering during our worship services.
- If you prefer to give through CCB, we will make a menu item available called, ‘Thanksgiving for 10 Good Years’ available from Nov. 18-24.
Sunday, November 24 at the 9 and 11. During the response song after the sermon, we will invite everyone who wants to give a gift in ‘Thanksgiving for 10 Good Years’ to come forward and place their envelope on the Lord’s Table. In your envelope will either be your actual gift or a card that says what you gave electronically through CCB. Our intention is to provide a chance for you to worship and give thanks for what the Lord has done. We want to recognize that by doing something we normally don’t do.
Later in the service, we will take up our ‘normal’ offering for that Sunday. 2 Offerings?? Yep. We never do that. But, we have deliberately invited you to give a gift that is above and beyond, so our actual giving will be above and beyond as well.
All of it will make sense on Nov. 24, we just want you to be prepared for what’s happening!
We pray that your generous thanksgiving will launch us into the good things that God will grow here.