A Quick Video for Easter
A Quick Video for Easter
Hey Restoration,
As we finalize our preparations for remote Easter, our staff would like to invite your participation. Would you create a quick video (20-30 seconds) that answers this question: ‘Why is the resurrection important to me?’ Our staff are going to stitch these video snippets together into a corporate montage that will be a part of our Easter celebration on Sunday.
We will dearly miss being present with each other on Easter day in our sanctuary. We will see each other on Zoom and this video will be one more way for us to see and hear from each other.
Here’s what you do:
1. How do I make the recording? Use your phone, tablet, or computer to make the video. Try to limit to 30 seconds or less. Hit record, look right into the camera, and let ‘er rip.
2. Can others be in my video? Of course! Have a friend stand 6 feet away. Snuggle up to a family member. Put your dog in your lap. Show us your favorite coffee mug. You are the director!
3. Now what am I supposed to say, again? Describe what the resurrection means to you? How does Jesus rising from the dead give you hope? Why is Easter important to you? Christ is risen! Alleluia!
4. Ok, I have the video. Now what? Click here. Choose the button that says ‘Select Photos’. Choose your video. You are all done!
We will take it from there.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to myself or Isaiah Brooms and we can walk you through it. This is totally OPTIONAL. If it sounds fun- yay! If it sounds like a chore, delete this quickly and enjoy the video on Sunday!
Grateful for your stories. Grateful for the resurrection.