Christmas Eve 2020
The Plan for Christmas Eve
On December 24, Restoration will offer a combination of YouTube Live and In-Person worship.
Outdoor, in-person Eucharist will be offered by 4 different members of the clergy at 12:00, 4:00, 5:00, and 6:00. Each of these will include hand-held candles, quiet acapella singing of Silent Night, and the Eucharist. Everyone who attends must wear a face-covering and please be sensitive to our neighbors in where you choose to park. The lot at Quincy and 15th will be open, but we will not have a shuttle.
At 3:00pm we will broadcast a service over YouTubeLive that is aimed at our kids and features our beloved Director of Kids’ Small Groups, Louise Brooks alongside Rev. Isaiah Brooms.
At 7:00pm we will broadcast a service over YouTubeLive that resembles our traditional Christmas Eve Lessons and Carols. I invite you to watch it on Christmas Eve or on Christmas Day with those who are gathered in your home. It will be an opportunity to hear the story read by all of our clergy and to sing (a lot of) the carols for which you have been patiently waiting during this Advent season.
Christmas Eve and Christmas Day will be different for all of us this year. The Restoration staff hope that these opportunities to worship both in person and over YouTube Live will help you remember our hope in the God who came for us by becoming one of us.
Thanks for staying connected to all of the things that are happening in our church. As always, feel free to reach out to me with questions or concerns.