Holy Week Begins on Sunday!
Dear Restoration,
Holy Week begins this Sunday. The last forty days of Lent have been building to this week, the events of the Lord’s passion, death and glorious resurrection. The season of preparation, penitence and fasting is nearly over, and the shouts of “Alleluia!” soon to return.
In the week ahead you may experience a range of emotions, aware of the glorious hope we have in the resurrected Christ, and yet, still lamenting the horrific sin and pain that seek to kill and destroy, like in the latest school shooting in Nashville, Tennessee.
There are many different ways to participate in the week ahead. I’ve given a fuller description of each service below, but here’s a succinct list. Ask the Lord where He is inviting you to participate. What might be most helpful?
As a service to our neighbors, we encourage you to park at W&L and ride the shuttle for these services.
A few additional notes:
- Confirmation: For those who were baptized as infants and have never stood before a church body to affirm the vows their parents and godparents made on their behalf, or for those interested in knowing more about the Anglican church, confirmation may be for you! We will feed you with food and knowledge, and you will be able to receive the prayerful laying on of hands by Bishop Chris on May 21, as he asks the Holy Spirit to strengthen and sustain you as you seek to serve God. Youth and adults: Sign-up here!
- Small Group Leaders: If you’re a Restoration member and interested in hosting a small group for the eight-week spring trimester beginning after Easter, please sign-up here!
Walking with longing and anticipation of all that is to come,
On Palm Sunday, we will begin the service outside with Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem to fulfill his Father’s will. We will raise our palms and sing our hosannas, and the door of the church will be like the gate through which Jesus entered the city. We will remember that we who hail Jesus as King one moment, may in the next deny him, joining with the crowd in shouting, “Crucify him!” as read in the Lord’s Passion.
(Services at 9a, 11a, and 4:30p + Nursery + Kids’ Small groups)
On Maundy Thursday, Jesus washes the feet of his disciples and gives them a new commandment (mandatum) to love one another. We will remember Jesus’ tremendous love as the clergy will wash the feet of those who wish to participate, and then we’ll share in Holy Communion. After the final hymn, the candles will be extinguished and the congregation will be seated. During the reading of Jesus’ betrayal, the table and chancel area will be stripped, symbolizing the stripping and humiliation of Jesus in his last hours. Then, all will stand for a silent recessional from the church.
(Service at 7:30pm, nursery available)
Good Friday is the most somber of all the days of the Triduum (three days). At 8am, you may join in the procession and carrying of the Cross from Steve and Louise Brooks’ home to Restoration. Later in the morning, we will also share in several guided times of prayer with the 14 Stations of the Cross in the sanctuary.
- 10am: Stations of the Cross for Children and Families followed by an art response in the fellowship hall at 11am led by Miss Louise and Miss Meredith.
- 12pm, 1pm or 2pm: Clergy will lead the liturgy and prayers for each of the 14 Stations of the Cross. This takes about 45 minutes and is a quiet, reflective time. Afterwards, you may choose to write down any sins that are burdening you and nail them to the Cross which will be on the floor in the sanctuary, remembering Jesus died for these sins, and you’re forgiven from them.
Friday evening, we will share in seven brief, personal reflections from Restoration parishioners on “The Seven Last Words” Christ uttered from the Cross.
(Service at 7:30 pm, nursery available.)
Saturday at 12 noon, join RestoArts as they decorate the sanctuary for Easter!
Saturday night: The Great Vigil of Easter! If you were going to try and capture the entirety of the Bible in one service, this is the one! It’s a long and beautiful service beginning outside in darkness. A new fire is kindled, and from it, the Paschal Candle lit, symbolizing Christ, the light of the world. We’ll hear Scripture recount the history of God’s mighty acts and promises. We will share in an adult baptism and Eucharist, and we shall joyfully shout, “Alleluia!” and ring the bells of Easter!! Please bring your own bells!!
The Resurrection Party will follow the Easter Vigil down in the fellowship hall! Please bring a snack to share and drop it off in the fellowship hall before the service begins.
(Service at 8:30pm, Resurrection Party 10:30pm – Midnight)
On Easter Sunday, our celebration of the risen Lord will continue with services at the regular times. Each family unit may take a potted flower home reminding us of the new life we share in Christ.
(Services at 9am, 11am and 4:30pm, Nursery provided, No Kids’ Small Groups)
April 6, 2023 @ 7:21 am
Can’t Wait! So much silence and darkness and the beauty and light explodes!