Rector’s Update: Leadership in the Anglican Church
Dear Restoration,
I waited patiently for the Lord to help me, and He turned to me and heard my cry.
Psalm 40
I am looking forward to our healing service this Sunday at 5 pm.
Isaac has invited excellent musicians to come create an environment of beauty and grace in our sanctuary. There will be special music from The Porter’s Gate, The Ars Nova String Quartet, and our own Restoration worship team. I believe this is something to which you could invite a friend who would not normally come to church. They will love the music and they will experience wonder in the reality of God’s presence among us.
And… they can ask for healing. They can ask the Lord to ‘lift them out of the pit, out of the mud and the mire.’ They can experience His power to ‘set their feet on solid ground, to steady them as they walk along. They can be given a new song to sing…’ (all from Psalm 40).
As we prepare for the holiday season and all that comes with it, we AND our friends are carrying burdens that we want lifted. We all want relief and wholeness.
Last week I invited you to share with me the names of people from your street, your building, or your work who need to know that God loves them and who you want to invite to our healing service. Many of you did! Thank you! I have felt honored to pray and to hear the updates that your friends are indeed going to come. I love getting to partner with you as we invite people into the change and transformation that God wants to do in their life.
My offer still stands. Want me to pray that your person says yes? Send me their name and I will pray with you.
I am preaching on ‘eager longing’ (from Romans 8:19) this weekend. My eager longing is growing as I anticipate being with you and your friends on Sunday evening, asking for the Lord to heal, and singing a hymn of praise to our God.
“Many will see what He has done and be amazed. They will put their trust in the Lord.” (Psalm 40:3)
Amen. Let it be, Lord. Amen.
This weekend, the people of our diocese will gather in Synod. It’s a joy-filled opportunity to gather as a diocese for worship, fellowship and spiritual growth. We have a great group attending from Restoration- about 20 of us: all of the clergy, a lay delegation of 7, and a few others. The Synod is open to everyone. If you would like to join us for Eucharist on Friday night or the sessions on Saturday, you are warmly invited. Please register here.
We are so grateful for the leadership of Bishop Chris Warner and the Standing Committee of the diocese. I am looking forward to seeing colleagues from across our region and hearing encouraging reports of what the Lord is doing.

The 2023 Vestry Slate
Every year around Thanksgiving we elect several new members to serve on the Vestry. This team is made up of 9 men and women who serve staggered three-year terms working alongside our rector, staff, and bishop to set spiritual, strategic and financial priorities for our congregation. Specifically, these 9 people pray. They participate in strategic planning for our church. They facilitate teams that advise the vestry about Restoration’s work on race and reconciliation, finances, facility, outreach and personnel.
We are pleased to present a very strong slate of candidates for our upcoming election. Voting is only open to members of Restoration. Members will receive a ‘Vestry Bio Book’ through our CCB group. Voting will be done through a survey monkey link that will be emailed to members on November 26. That link will be live until 5pm on December 3.
This is the 2023 Vestry Slate of Candidates:
Ryan Payne
Heather Raber
Melody Sibben
Hunter Weimer
Karen Wrightsman
The three receiving the most votes will serve a three-year term until the end of 2026.
Thank you, Restoration, for your nominations and for holding the Vestry Discernment Committee’s work in your prayers this fall. We are blessed with so many talented and mature Christian leaders who serve among us. We are grateful for these five who have agreed to stand for election and to prioritize this service over the next three years, if selected. Join us in asking God to provide the next three vestry people who will help lead Restoration in all that God wants to do through us. Good Things Grow Here!
On Sunday, I am having lunch with the US Director of A Rocha, an international family of Christian conservation organizations. I hear a lot from them in my work with the Matthew 25 Initiative. Are you someone who thinks a lot about creation care? I’d love for you to join me for lunch on Sunday after the 11am service. Seating is limited. Send me a note.