Our 3 Morning Service Pilot will end on June 16th. Thank you so much for trying out different service times over the last two and a half months as we have been corporately discerning a Sunday morning cadence that best serves our growing congregation.
Thank you for being flexible when we made the ‘Mid-Pilot Time Change’ from 11:30 to 11:15 (It was very well received!) Thank you for volunteering at new service times. Thank you for your helpful feedback along the way. Thank you for inviting your friends to worship with us. Thank you for being Restoration.
The staff and vestry are making plans and budgets for the fall. This survey is a way for us to gather everyone’s thoughts on the ‘3 Morning Service Pilot’. It will be open until Sunday, June 16th. We will read everything that is submitted and then make decisions about service times and staffing needs for this fall. I intend to announce our fall plans at a brief parish meeting at 12:45 on Sunday, June 23rd in the sanctuary.
As mentioned, June 16th is the last Sunday of the 3-service pilot. It is also the last Sunday for this academic year’s Kids’ Small Groups. Starting June 23rd we will have 2 services at 9:00 and 11:00 for the summer (June 23rd to September 1) with Kids’ Small Groups for children who are pre-K and younger.
There is a lot to keep track of right now at Restoration.
Here’s a top ten!
Fill out the survey about the ‘3 Morning Service Pilot’.
Join us for Nogales Noche (dinner! games! support our Apex students!) on Thursday, June 6th from 7-9pm.
Join us for a RestoArts lecture called ‘Seeing is believing: How art forms us’ on Friday, June 7th from 7:30-9:00pm.
The Race + Reconciliation Team invites you to Dinner and Discussion on June 21. More details coming about the book we are reading and the movies we are watching!
Remember that we start our summer schedule on June 23rd at 9:00 and 11:00. Stick around for the Summer Parish Meeting at 12:45.