Holy Week 2024
Holy Week Offering: Our Holy Week offering will be donated to Abara, a ministry in El Paso, TX that provides border encounters for groups to better understand those most affected by injustice while pursuing dignified storytelling and ethical volunteerism. Abara is linked with 32+ migrant shelters on both sides of the Rio Grande in El Paso and Juarez. They partner with local leaders to respond to emerging needs on both sides of the border through hospitality, advocacy, and friendship. Our Holy Week offering funds will assist Abara in funding the Juarez Shelter Support Team who offer life skills workshops and community meals. In addition, Restoration will be going to visit Abara for a 3-day border experience in the fall. You can find details about that trip here.
Online gifts to Abara may be may through CCB.
Palm Sunday — March 24
Services at 9 and 11 am. Nursery – 5th grade kids’ small groups available. The 9 am service will be broadcast on YouTube Live. Shuttle service provided.
Maundy Thursday — March 28
Service at 7:30 pm which will include Eucharist and foot-washing by clergy. Nursery available for kids 3 and under. Shuttle service provided.
Good Friday — March 29
Good Friday begins with the procession of the Cross from Steve and Louise Brooks’ home to Restoration at 8 am.
Children and Family Stations of the Cross at 10 am, followed by an art response opportunity led by Miss Louise and Miss Victoria at 11 am.
Stations of the Cross at 12, 1, and 2 pm. Led by clergy, this is an opportunity to pray the 14 Stations of the Cross.
“The Seven Last Words” service at 7:30 pm. Nursery available for kids 3 and under. The service will be broadcast on YouTube Live. Shuttle service provided.
Holy Saturday — March 30
The Great Vigil of Easter at 8:30 pm, followed by a Resurrection Party (10:30pm -midnight)! Bring a snack, drink, or dessert to share at the party. The service will be broadcast on YouTube Live. Shuttle service provided.
Easter Sunday — March 31
Services at 8 am, 9:30 am, and 11:30 am. Nursery available for kids 3 and under. No preschool – 5th grade kids’ small groups. The 9:30 am service will be broadcast on YouTube Live. Shuttle service provided.
Serving during Holy Week: There are lots of opportunities to serve at Restoration during Holy Week! You’re invited to join the volunteer team by emailing Nathan.